Terrorist Have Feelings Too Funny Video

Four Lions (2010) Poster

A Nutshell Review: Four Lions

Four Lions may be a black one-act, simply the subject matter is anything simply, dealing with the real threat of cocky radicalized men who take it upon themselves to wage what they deem is a holy war against the infidels of their organized religion, commercialism and Western ideals, near the men who are frighteningly misguided in their beliefs which we may notice absurd, just they holding it very dearly to their hearts, nevermind if it'due south actually the bullheaded leading the blind.

Co-written and directed by Christopher Morris, the film follows the journey of a few friends and acquaintances brought together past Barry (Nigel Lindsay), a self-styled firebrand catechumen and Omar (Riz Ahmed) the unofficial leader who assemble like minded radicals to take on what they felt is a path of righteousness and a fast track to heaven, nevermind if for narrative purposes his recruitment tactics is questionably risky at best (not to mention funny, I did say information technology was a comedy). It's almost like a satire on the 101 basics on how i transforms from all talk to all action, going on trips to Pakistan to meet up with mujahedins or holy warriors in order to learn the ropes in becoming soldiers and tested in battle, to the assembling of explosives, deciding on a target and then executing information technology, consummate with the quintessential video recordings to explain the rationale backside the deeds.

Information technology parodies many of what you lot've seen and read in the news, and while you may dismiss it as making light of dead serious situations, here'south where its brilliance emerged. From within the comedy that come fast and furious that you discover yourself inevitably laughing at the clueless wannabes, there are moments of poignancy especially when yous realize that the wannabes have gone way past the point of no return, and with the wheels of devastation set in motion, there's no turning back really. In a way information technology reflects upon how detection of the clandestine activities may sometimes be stranger than fiction, but it is usually missed opportunities, especially with the countless of spiral ups that become undetected, that serve as the existent threat to social club with prejudices and discrimination at play.

Ultimately those who truly endure are friends and especially family, and the story does non mince that impact even though nearly are centered effectually the closing credits in an epilogue. Family isn't far behind especially when fourth dimension got devoted to focus on the ringleader's, that here'south a man willing to sacrifice what'south worldly for a calling and then perceived college than cocky and for the greater proficient. Not only those on the other side of the law get put in a spotlight, only how the government and politicians behave got their off-white share of critique, though in a manner of less being more.

4 Lions adopted the shaky cam throughout which in a way tried to mirror a documentary, and to some this may be tiring to watch since the camera bounces around and doesn't stay still for the most parts. This is perchance the only attribute of the moving picture that I disliked, though you'll before long find yourself tickled if you pay close attention to the dialogue which were thoroughly filled with wickedly funny lines. The trailer may accept accidentally revealed the funnier, slapstick aspects of the film, but its wit was firmly found in the spoken words.

Riz Ahmed is as charismatic a ringleader as he can be, and Kayvan Novak plays Waj his less than intelligent friend and bullheaded follower with a sense of sensitivity that will tug at your eye when Omar realizes what he had washed, and you'll definitely feel something for the Waj character when you lot ponder over how many real globe counterparts who be in the real world, being all too trusting with their leaders in existence lambs laid out for slaughter, conned with an ideal of a hope. Adeel Akhtar's Faisal the flop maker will most e'er make y'all laugh at his naivety and sheer stupidity, being one of the characters that draw the most laughs besides Waj.

It'south piece of cake to lapse into stereotypes and branding a message of hate, merely Iv Lions is zip of that sort. What it does is to brand one sit up and accept notice of the troubles that are plaguing our mod twenty-four hour period social club, where at that place are those who exercise not feel inclusive, and determine to have it upon themselves to address their grievances through the use of violence. It'south seriousness hidden under the guise of comedy, and I dare say you'll get more out of this film than from whatever else that'southward screening this calendar week. Highly recommended!

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8 /10

Dark and incredibly funny satire on religious martyrdom

In the U.k., Chris Morris is famous for the very controversial "Brasseye" series, and he has taken that iconoclastic attitude to the large screen to help create this wonderful little film.

It'south a crude nevertheless intelligent satire on a group of young men who want to be martyrs for the Islamic Al-Qaeda in the UK. Rather than portray them as dark shadowy men, they are really merely everyday bumblers and naive men. The frightening attribute is that despite the humour, they are aiming to mass murder which always is behind the scenes.

The motion-picture show uses humour to demystify the self-styled jihadists and take away any sort of menacing notoriety and show them every bit the frightening bunglers that they are. The fear is when one grouping actually manages to carry out what they prepare out to do.

This film is worth watching. You volition be rolling with laughter, but you will end the pic with many thoughts on the questions raised likewise. It's simply some other slap-up fleck of political satire, and I recommend it highly.

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9 /10

Powerful and very, very funny.

Chris Morris has never been one to shy abroad from subjects that others would call taboo or simply only wrong and that isn't going to change with his latest motion-picture show '4 Lions' the story of a group of wannabe suicide bombers. Not the nigh jovial of subjects I hear you cry, but how incorrect could you exist? For here we have non only a truly funny picture show but also a poignant i and one of the all-time British films of the last decade. Meticulous to particular Morris spent over five years researching the films central themes of terrorism and religion and a lifetime of studying human behaviour and it'southward only with this foundation that he, along with co writers Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong (Peep Show), could accept made such a brilliant film. You volition laugh and hard, so you will realise what it is y'all are laughing at take a breath and then laugh some more. In the same manner that the contempo American remake of Battlestar Galactica dealt in allegories of the state of war on terror, politics and homo nature but simply happened to exist set in space 'Four Lions' simply happens to be fix in a terrorist cell and in his ain access Morris admitted that he wanted to explore group dynamics that could be institute either in a football squad, a guild of sorts or the guys in this motion picture. It is so cleverly done that at no point is the film patronising or preachy it just makes you recollect about the cool nature of how people think and what lengths they will go to for something they believe in. The pic also contains some scenes of the gang spending normal time with their families, even discussing their plans with the children and information technology's in these scenes that we given over to the idea that they are ordinary people about to do something boggling. The cast play their roles, not only with great comic timing, only with an understanding of the field of study matter that reflects in their performances. The script is so sharp that not just will you miss stuff on first viewing yous will be quoting it for months to come. Information technology is well shot and perfectly paced but let'southward non forget that this is satire of the highest order and in that at that place will exist elements that might non appeal to all. But if y'all think you can stomach it then permit me assure you that you will meet 1 of the funniest films from one of Great britain'south most underrated and genuinely talented comedians. Rubber dingy rapids.

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7 /x

Dauntless Blackness Comedy

Home grown Asian suicide bombers are not an obvious choice for One-act. But Director Chris Morris makes a surprisingly skillful job of information technology in a piece of work which is skilfully written and performed. The best humour has a band of truth about it. And so it is truthful hither. The plot moves from satire, to slapstick to direct forwards storytelling, and dorsum, at quite a pace leaving the audience to make its own mind upwardly well-nigh whether certain bits are intended to be funny, or just plough out that style. That ambiguity is probably the film's strongest suit.

A potent cast of Jihadists struggle to become a team together, struggle to get to a Training Army camp in Pakistan from which they are sent home in disgrace, indeed they struggle to consummate any task successfully. Yet they are not portrayed equally buffoons. Never before has Muslim civilisation been lampooned similar this, withal Morris shows it in such a mode that they are Everyman jokes and should not cause offence to anyone.

The fact that this is low upkeep works to its advantage. The script and acting win and the documentary manner filming gives it an actuality which is vital for the humor to prosper. Riz Ahmed stars as Chief Jihadist Omar, merely Nigel Lindsay steals the show as a Caucasian Muslim convert. Preeya Kalidas has a frustrating, underwritten role as Omar's wife. A nurse, and a female parent we never actually get her insight into the prospect of her husband, and father of her son, embracing martyrdom, even though she pokes fun at an over zealous cleric when he visits their habitation.

At 100 minutes, the film ends when it needs to, in dramatic and compelling style and does not out stay its welcome. For some this will not exist funny plenty, for others it will simply exist in poor taste. Merely we should exist proud that this sort of comedy simply could non be fabricated in America, and is the kickoff cinematic attempt to deal with a relatively new, and disturbing, social phenomena.

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9 /10

Surprisingly good, surprisingly funny

Warning: Spoilers

I knew that Four Lions was about an Islamic terrorist cell fabricated up of "dwelling house grown" United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland terrorists, I knew that it was a comedy, and I knew that the homo backside it was Chris Morris, a man whose TV satire can sometimes be a bit too savage for its ain good.

And this film is a bit savage, too. But, let's exist off-white, it is very, very funny.

The pic takes the form of a fly on the wall style documentary, following a mismatched group of Muslims - sincere family man Omar, moderate idiot Fessal, consummate idiot Waj, diffident Hassan, and psychotic idiot firebrand catechumen Barry. Barry'due south master plan is to inflict jihad on a mosque to that Muslims will rise upward because they will think Jews did information technology.

This motion picture is uncomfortably close to dwelling house, and never mocks Islam, although it does mock the way some people interpret Islam for their ain ends. But information technology as well mocks the police and the establishment. And, with the exception of Omar, who has a clear vision of what he wants to accomplish and why (one may not agree with him, simply he is sincere and devout well-nigh his intentions), all the others are deluded to a lesser or (unremarkably) greater degree.

What happens in this moving-picture show isn't funny in the slightest but, often, the manner it happens is very funny indeed. I laughed out loud a lot, to my cracking surprise.

But it is very, very, dark.

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eight /10

A rare naturally funny motion-picture show

I remember the kickoff time I saw this film, thinking information technology was ane of the funniest I had always seen, and I haven't seen many that have made me laugh as much since. Chris Morris is known for blackness comedy and 'Four Lions' is certainly fantastically nighttime.

The plot, the characters, the dialogue - everything about the picture show is funny. The stupidity of the main characters combined with the absurdity of their plans make this a truly hilarious moving picture and a bully piece of entertainment.

'Four Lions' is a comedic gem. A rare naturally funny film that is guaranteed to brand you laugh.

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9 /10

both hilarious one-act and contemporary social commentary

The film can be approached from two angles; every bit a comedy and as an important contemporary cultural text. Equally a comedy information technology succeeded beyond expectations. Office of the pleasure surely came from the spectacle of the event; a sold out screening with bandage and crew present along with regional cultural references that resonated infectiously with many in the audience, but this can take null away from the many levels of comedy at piece of work within this moving picture. At that place were elements of overacted screwball comedy; at that place were underplayed facial expressions and reactions that added a wealth of character and personality to the comedy; further nonetheless, in that location were elaborately synthetic situational set pieces. All these elements along with explosively dynamic dialogue that was well delivered combined to send the audience into tears of laughter.

In a dissever issue to the comedy there was the cultural commentary, which is always going to draw attending when it is such a taboo subject equally Jihad: a word that is often avoided at all costs. The movie unapologetically offers a plethora of questions around motivation, significant and justification which it never falls into the trap of giving patronizing, melodramatic answers to nor does it preach any solutions.

The many characters were all utilised to give dissimilar points of views and different perspectives; the chief protagonist Omar (Riz Ahmed) was fully fleshed out, with the other characters used to offering differing ideas and plain the in a higher place mentioned comic relief. Omar's brother for instance had such a minor part only raises questions around what he considers a true post-obit of Islam, which he promotes as peaceful, simply is and so exposed as intrinsically sexist due to the way he practically locks his wife in a cupboard. That being said, Islam itself was to a big extent sidelined and the film much more overtly dealt with identification and senses of belonging for a demographic that has partial but not complete grips on the many angles of where its identity is created; this includes Barry (Nigel Lindsay), the Caucasian convert amongst the grouping.

Four Lions is easily funny plenty to achieve a very wide audition, where viewers will be left without answers and therefore forced to discuss these issues, which are also often brushed under the proverbial rug.

twitter - @destroyapathy

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7 /x

A ludicrous pageant of ineptitude... a 'How-Not-To Guide' to martyrdom

Like Charlie Chaplin'due south Hitler, Chris Morris' 'Four Lions' shows that no subject tin can escape comic scrutiny; sense of humour always seems to observe the ability to betrayal the ridiculous in otherwise appalling situations. This satirical blackness comedy vents its disgust at the pseudo-morality of suicide bombing, whilst managing to portray its terrorists with an amore that allows the audience an unexpected emotional zipper with these supposed figures of violence.

The film follows a terrorist jail cell of unmeant, inept, and impossibly stupid would-exist suicide bombers on their quest towards martyrdom – nosotros follow them declining miserably in a Pakistan grooming camp, trying to run through sheep fields whilst carrying bags of explosives, attaching bombs to crows, all the time creating a chaotic 'boner' reel of attempted martyrdom videos. These suicide bombers are not the feared assassins of popular imagination, merely absurd and easily led dupes who encourage laughter and ridicule – and significantly, in the end, pity.

The comedy of '4 Lions' lies in the power of its bathos: the film reduces the dreaded spectre of suicide bombing to a ludicrous pageant of ineptitude. It'due south a film with fast laughs and dim wit in abundance, an cool 'How Non-To Guide' to martyrdom.

However, the audition cannot help but feel pity for the characters as their plot reaches its climax. There is a sad inevitability to the group's last moments together; despite the horror of what the bombers are planning, the audition has been lulled into sympathising with their situation. The sadness of the film comes with the audition'due south realisation that these characters are regular, likable, funny, naive people – they are not monsters in themselves, but made monstrous by their susceptibility to absurd, immoral teachings.

The lead character Omar'southward interactions with his wife and young son are painful in their twisted delineation of the ideal family unit of measurement. At one bespeak Omar (played by Riz Ahmed) tells his son a bedtime story well-nigh 'Simba's Jihad'. It is a scene that is touching, funny and uncomfortable all at once, a reflection of our responses to the moving-picture show equally a whole.

'Four Lions' is provocative in its comic parody of an emotional subject, but in that location is never any sense that information technology wishes to be deliberately inflammatory. Instead, the story is told with warmth and sharp sense of humor; it offers united states a fine batter of derision and sympathy, pulling at our angel whilst cutting the terrifying downwardly to the clownish.

James Gill ------ Find more reviews, news and previews at world wide web.singleadmission.co.uk

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7 /10

More than a meow

With The Day Today and its more acerbic follow-upward Brasseye, supreme satirist Chris Morris fabricated a mockery of the madness of the popular media by proverb what he saw. It was funny because it could accept been true. With Four Lions, Morris'south focus is no longer on the manipulator, simply rather the manipulated. Withal by presenting this jihad suicide squad as a grouping of bumbling misfits, chugging along the road to apotheosis in a automobile fitted with dodgy "Jewish spark plugs", it's nevertheless about the madness – here, the madness of a cracked credo believed in mostly because it's fabricated up as it goes forth.

This is not really a film nearly Islam, or even religious fundamentalism, just identity. Omar (an excellent Riz Ahmed) speaks fluently about the "Church of McDonald'due south" and Western imperialism, and yet he's at the centre of a comfortable, suburban, upper working class family unit unit of measurement. Hassan (Arsher Ali) is an awkward, gangly virgin with a bone to pick with his Media Studies teacher. Barry (Nigel Lindsay, who some might recall playing a terrorist of a unlike creed in HBO's Rome) is white.

For all their misadventures, in that location'due south a genuine tenderness and loyalty between these "soldiers". This is a side of Morris we've rarely seen earlier – an emotional spine that raises the film far above what could have resembled a serial of sketches or, worse, a reel of better outtakes. Perhaps this is the film's greatest success: bringing its director out of the satirical shadows and into the one-act spotlight, and proving at that place'south a centre to become with that clever head.

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8 /10

It'south funny & touching at the same time...

I accept wanted to see this one for some fourth dimension, the DVD has been lurking in the 'To Scout' pile too long and it's time has come up today. I was intrigued by this one partly considering I live in the north of England, non too far from where information technology is set and I live in a town that has quite a large Muslim population. For the record, I subscribe to no organized religion myself, but tin I sympathize how many people are drawn to them. It'south a very remarkable moving-picture show with an interesting mix of comedy and drama set in the Muslim community city of Sheffield. I'll give you my thoughts later this brief summary (summary haters, and those that don't wish to know about the plot, please move the explosives to the safe house while I write the next paragraph).

A bunch of radical Muslims are preparing to martyr themselves for their organized religion. They are; Omar, Barry, Waj and Faisal. The only problem is, they are quite stupid and don't seem to be able to get it together. To this end, Omar and Waj go off to a training camp in Pakistan, leaving Barry and Faisal to hold the fort back home. While they are away, Barry, who is very vocal near 'the crusade' recruits another member of the team, Hassan. On their render, Omar and Waj tell the others they have the go-alee. They make some explosives which prove quite effective in blowing upwards crows, as Faisal finds out. Afterward one of their number is killed in an blow, and much debate, they determine on a target . They now take to put their words into action, just will things go according to plan? I'll go out my summary hither, don't desire to give it all away.

Although it was made on a minor upkeep, I thought this was a very well made motion-picture show with an first-class script and some really proficient performances. Riz Ahmed was first-class as Omar, equally was Nigel Lindsay as Barry. I also thought Kayvan Novak played the office of the naive Waj very well and Adeel Akhtar equally Faisal and Arsher Ali as Hassan were also very good. Also a mention for Preeya Kalidas equally Sofia, Omar's married woman.

There are many funny moments in this picture show and much of that is downward to an fantabulous script by Christopher Morris, Simon Blackwell, Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong and the performances from the unabridged cast. I also plant the motion-picture show very touching, there were moments of real tenderness between Omar and his wife and great friendship amongst the group. Over all, it'southward a very funny film that deals with quite a tricky subject in a very interesting manner. It makes the terrorists look like idiots while at the aforementioned time showing that they are only human. Would I lookout it again?… Yes! Recommended.

My Score: 7.viii/10

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Expected laughs < Actual laughs

I'thou no like shooting fish in a barrel viewer and as well often do I notice myself being bored while watching a movie, or but barely interested.

I wasn't expecting much from this one and after a quick reading of the synopsis, I merely idea "say whaat ?". Equally a reminder you lot might cheque again the IMDb summary and endeavor to picture it seriously, y'all would expect some "sofa talking action" - as a friend would draw movies that have more than dialogs than activeness scenes.

Long story short : that is, without whatsoever doubts, the almost stupidly funny motion picture I've seen this year and if you haven't seen it already ... just go (Ok to be honest, I would also put Revenge of the Fallen even if its last year, the level of stupidity is clearly enough for a couple of years).

Whatever you are looking in a movie this one will deliver, it is filled with dumb-touching characters despite their "mission" as terrorists. The acting is not only great as a comedy but merely strait out great, whatsoever one in the moving picture accept something special and memorable.

Hell, you could even attempt to get a social commentary out of it but that'd be a long stretch, information technology's meant to be a comedy with a soul not just the usual "a few scenes funny and forget me next week" kind of movie.

I was really pleased to discover this gem completely by chance and hope you volition too equally this is how comedy films are meant to be.

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7 /10

Chris Morris gives an unfunny topic a funny turn

I tin't recollect of anything less funny than terrorists or terrorism, except maybe Hitler, so beautifully satirized in "The Producers." While this isn't quite on that level, this is a pretty funny comedy about four Jihad losers in Britain trying to plant a bomb somewhere that will make a statement. You lot just know by watching them try to make a video that they take no chance of pulling anything off. They hold on nothing and their stupidity knows no bounds.

I actually watched this film because I am a fan of Benedict Cumberbatch. Well, he is in it, but information technology's a tiny part at the stop of the moving picture.

These guys can't make up one's mind where to strike - a mosque, the Internet, or where. Subsequently some disastrous tryouts, they make up one's mind on the London marathon. Given recent events, that was an interesting option in 2010. Apparently that marathon is run in costume, or at least some people run it in costume, and since these guys have bombs under the costumes, they are huge, cumbersome things no one could ever really run in.

Seeing these morons every bit buffoons doesn't assistance much, but the characters are extremely funny. It ends on a somewhat shocking note.

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ix /10

Chris Morris strikes over again

Chris Morris has had his fair share of approaching controversial subjects such as the brilliant Brass Eye. I so wanted this to be an hilarious picture as information technology was a long time since I had actually good laugh in the movie theatre. Here is some other social commentary this time on terrorism and I was optimistic that this was going to be the laugh I was looking for even if the subject is controversial. The actual terrorists though are inept and accept no existent grasp of what they are trying to practise.We follow them making plans and deciding that they want to strike the London Marathon. The question being asked all the time is can a film about suicide bombers ever exist funny? Well the respond to that question in my view is yes considering it is more about characters beingness so bad at something and presenting themselves in a bizarre sense. They are delivered in such an amusing way that I couldn't help simply express joy out loud at the sheer lunacy. In comedy itself being generally stupid and incompetent is something that in my view is extremely hard to get right and can easily escalate to farce. In Iv Lions though the interim is adept enough and set up well enough that it doesn't experience like they are just dumping situations on screen and putting in random moments designed to gain comedic measure. 1 scene in detail when the grouping are forced to behave their bombing equipment on foot later their auto breaks down. It has to be seen equally it is merely brilliant. In this the scenes are prepare upward and the comedy is delivered very well. The humour tin get quite dark and sick at times simply non so much that it isn't funny nonetheless. I can sympathise why some people would shun this film and the humour is definitely not by all means universal but I would recommend it every bit information technology is a funny satire that you may enjoy. It is quite understandable if you don't though.

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viii /x

Accept Pinky and the Brain, clone Pinky twice more than, convert them to Muslim extremists and identify them in today'south London

"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?" "Aforementioned affair we do every night, Pinky. Try to have over the world!" Is it wrong of me to compare "Iv Lions" to the WB animated series "Pinky and the Brain"? I don't think so. This film is filled with side-splitting laughter and satirical takes on suicide-bombers plotting 1 ridiculous terrorist attempt subsequently some other fifty-fifty more ridiculous terrorist effort. Clone Pinky two more times, convert the iv of them to Muslim extremists and place them in London in today'due south world, and you've got Omar and his fellow anarchists trying to teach the world a lesson.

Their incompetence is taken to the same extremes as their beliefs. Their possible targets include expletive-described Disney theme parks, their own Mosque, and using such genius methods as strapping a bomb to a crow, or to themselves as they are running around a field. You will laugh until you cry.

Laughs aside, it takes a special kind of moving-picture show to create iv protagonists out of inept suicide-bombers and emotionally connect you. And nosotros haven't even touched the moxie that these filmmakers have to tackle such a subject. Comparisons to "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" and Monty Python are all valid here. Even if this story isn't your mode, information technology's difficult not to be impressed with how they pulled off "Four Lions".

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ix /10

Brilliant Filmmaking

Warning: Spoilers

I was delighted to have stumbled upon Four Lions. This fast paced comedy / drama is quite controversial in that it mixes the serious bailiwick matter of a sleeper prison cell of suicide bomber terrorists with dialogue that sounds like it has come direct out of any episode of Monty Python's Flight Circus. It is hilarious and dizzy but somehow it never once escapes reality (similar Spinal Tap does) so that we actually believe such bungling, misguided people like this might actually exist. It also portrays the jihadist equally a man beingness with flaws, which is something some people merely might non want to contemplate, given the stereotypes that exist in the Fob News earth. Each wacky scenario that is portrayed could actually happen, making this satire highly engaging (in a Slapshot fashion) and assuasive us to feel for the characters. The fierce ending leaves united states wondering exactly what we were laughing at and why were nosotros laughing at it. Iv Lions is one of the most idea provoking films I have ever seen.

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9 /x

It shouldn't really work... but it does

Okay, so the makers of this picture show must take known that what they were doing would court controversy, but they did it anyway. '4 Lions' tells the tale of a 'cell' of British Muslims who are plotting diverse – lethal – terrorist attacks on Britain. That wouldn't exist that controversial in itself if the film was a drama, but it isn't – information technology'southward a one-act – a pretty black one definitely.

Therefore, you volition ever get a certain percentage of the audience who claims that this sort of expanse should exist 'off limits' and not something to be fabricated fun of. Those people volition hate it no matter what and vote it one star (probably either before it was release, or without ever actually watching it).

Yep, it covers a taboo consequence, but, although it chooses to mock certain people, information technology goes to bully lengths never to make whatever sweeping statements about such as how 'all Muslims are terrorists,' or something equally as crass. The central protagonists may wish to cause loss of life through their actions, only you tin can see that they're the minority of the minority. They're misguided and truly believe that what they're doing is for the greater good.

You may also think that information technology would therefore be pretty hard to always find much to like about this crowd of terrorists. Yet, y'all may even find yourself really liking them, even if you totally disagree with what they practice/stand up for.

Y'all definitely demand a broad/black sense of humor to fully capeesh this. In that location are plenty of laughs to discover in there, just don't effort and pre-judge it on what some people'south 'knee-jerk' reactions to the subject thing were.

If zilch else... you'll acquire the difference between a Wookie, a conduct and the Honey Monster.


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7 /10

With several nice moments, but uneven, and includes a sophisticated topic

Brits are famous for their nighttime (tragi)-comedies, containing deaths and unhappy endings, but they usually draw traditional British or mod metropolitan life - just still based on "European" values. Four Lions emanates totally from Islamic culture and focuses on its nasty offshoot - terrorist jihad.

I am not familiar with the topic - only through mass media - every bit Estonia has some thousands Muslims only and jihad views are probably hold by dozens of them, but I yet feel uneasy to express mirth at ignorance and hurting people; funerals and like are a different upshot for me. The plot was not evenly interesting, at times slow and with bulked out jokes, and scenes towards the ending began to develop a bit too fast. True, it has some twisted originality and those more than familiar with Muslim immigrants are probably able to squeeze out more and observe funny parallels closely. But even I had my moments of giggle and I can't say that I got bored. The ending could have had more vivid moments though.

As for the bandage, Riz Ahmed – Omar, Kayvan Novak – Waj and Nigel Lindsay – Barry were nigh catchy (well, why did Benedict Cumberbatch have a small and stupid role only?), but I tin't recollect I have seen them earlier, so there was no joy of recognition and possibility to compare.

All in all, a decent dark comedy, but personally I know a couple of people only I would dare to recommend to watch it...

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10 /x

Deserves twenty stars

Have just caught this on Picture 4. In my humble opinion information technology is upwardly there with " Monty Pythons Life of Brian" as a very funny satire on religious 'nutters'. The gag with the Crow had me in tears of laughter. Well washed to Chris Morris, information technology shows up then chosen "home grown terrorists" for the pathetic (just dangerous) creatures they are. Notwithstanding this film is so funny it actually decreases the sometimes unfounded fright (whipped up by the tabloid press) that is instilled in the population. The interim is showtime rate. The bandage play it seriously, which only emphasise the humour fifty-fifty more. Have since watched it once more, and information technology's ane you can return to repeatedly and still get the same laugh out loud experience. I feel very sorry for the poor reviewers that didn't go it!

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10 /ten

Excellent original movie made primarily for a British Audition.

4 Lions is an splendid well thought out film with a neat pace, very funny, and very thoughtful.

After watching the motion picture I wondered at some of the choices Morris had made apropos the depth of the characters in the flick and their motivation. On reflection I could run into the extremely clever and thoughtful manner that he had written the script. This film is a fantastic ways of attacking the media's paniced frenzy regarding Muslim extremist'southward bomb attacks.

I went to this picture with no more noesis then 'information technology's a black comedy about Muslim extremist bombers in Britain written and directed by Chris Morris'. Although I take followed Chris Morris' work throughout his television career. I didn't know what to wait at all - whether information technology would piece of work or not. Some friends who said they had seen the trailer for it at the cinema said it didn't look that good. It proved to be very good.

It entertains very well and holds your attending. But the depth of the moving picture is that after it you have plenty of thoughts on the subject affair and they all encourage an open minded re-exploring of thoughts on the Muslim communities in United kingdom and the media's frenzy around terrorism and Muslim communities in Britain.

There are specific parts of the film which are so clever in how they raise questions that I'd love to talk most them just I'd spoil the picture show. I call back that it's best to go run across the film and bask information technology equally great entertainment. On the way out of the cinema all the bug involved will be existent nutrient for thought.

1 of the thoughts I had subsequently leaving was that Chris Morris had perhaps written this with the first audition in his mind as British Muslims and not in whatsoever patronising or preaching manner, but further thought fabricated me believe the film was for all English people specifically. Undoubtedly this picture show can work internationally and is well worth watching if you are from another land. Simply information technology was great that Morris had fabricated no concessions to this so he could tell the story the manner he wanted to.

Other nationalities watching the film may well take trouble with some of the dialogue just you'll exist OK. Picket this motion-picture show, it's undoubtedly the most important movie to come out of the UK for a very long time, and what's more it's bloody good amusement.

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8 /10

A contemplative satire that puts the tape straight

Alert: Spoilers

"Iv Lions" is a very beauteous film, more a satirical meditation on terrorism than an outright comedy; this does non shirk any of the serious issues surrounding jihad and 'homegrown terrorism', just faces them head on. As e'er, Chris Morris shows a sense of duty and fairness to serious bug that the mainstream media entirely lacks.

It was crucial that Morris undertook the corporeality of enquiry he did in making this film. This insulates him from any criticism that the issues are somehow being trivialised. There is a veracity in how he captures the use of linguistic communication, the idiotic group-think, the terrorist mindset.

This isn't an incredibly funny moving picture which has you in torrents of laughter like Morris' previous TV satire "Brass Eye" did. Indeed, once the first fellow member of the group blows himself upwardly, information technology starts to have on a more elegiac, sombre feel. There is the melancholy realisation that the crusade is doomed and pointless - and Swiftian irony in that Omar's much-explicated opposition to western consumerism is dependent on the consumerist engineering of mobile phones. Some other member of the group is striving for an afterlife which he can only imagine in terms of a ride at the Alton Towers theme park.

There is priceless comedy in the TV show chip with guest panelists; with the grouping'due south reaction to Barry's thought of blowing upward a mosque, wherein he is incited to punch himself in the face. Barry (Nigel Lindsay) is a key grapheme, a white Muslim who seems more of a zealot than the rest - and who turns out to be not quite what he seems. All of the cast invest their characters with a crucial humanity: these are non the faceless 'monsters' oft painted past the media but rather misguided, often infuriating, young men.

Naivety is the killer; these are human being beings who have not reached maturity or intellectually coherent world-views. All is confusion - a primal trope of the film - and loss. Y'all are left abode on the intermittent tenderness: a waste, what a terrible waste material.

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ix /ten

Original concept

What an original concept!!! A dark, hilarious comedy nigh Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.It would seem an impossible feat, but it works on every level. Group of ridiculous and not also bright immature British Muslems, are trying to commit a terrorist attack on something, if they can hold on what. The horrors of terrorist attacks in the last decade or then, are deeply etched on all our minds. The world'due south gone berserk. We are all trying to embrace the elusive logic behind these monsters. Books are written, all the experts talk till they become blue in the face up, politicians ramble without any clue, simply nobody ever came closer to catch the absurdity of it all as this depression budget, contained British moving picture. It will make you weep from laughter, and then dial you in the gut, and then you will laugh once again.In the finish you'll go lilliputian smarter. Neat pic.

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9 /10

4 Lions celebrates that one aspect of humanity that each and every 1 of us share, no thing what creed or culture we come from: stupidity

People familiar with Chris Morris' early work, from Jam to Brass Eye, will not be surprised to hear that his feature debut is a darker than black comedy focusing on the madness of humanity. However, few could have predicted the film would be quite equally brave as this; following a group of radicalised Jihadi terrorists (from Sheffield) equally they attempt to blow themselves up for Islam.

Shot in an almost documentary/fly-on-the-wall style that recalls the fantabulous BBC2 comedy The Thick of It, Four Lions feels very personal, as we spend time with these confused individuals and, aye, begin to like them. Omar is the nigh identifiable grapheme out of the five would-be terrorists, which is ironic considering he is also the most driven to commit the terrible act. As the film progress, we follow Omar and his e'er trusting but dim-witted friend Waj, as they go to Pakistan to make a name for themselves in a terrorist training camp (this, it has to be said, quite literally backfires). Nosotros also witness the volatile Barry, a catechumen to Islam, as he attempts to train the timid Faisal and newcomer Hassan. While Barry is certainly no genius, nosotros practise at times enjoy his exasperation every bit Faisal, a man who trains crows to be bombers, buys hundreds of bottles of bleach from the local corner shop, or the nervous Hassan raps nigh his jihad much to anybody else'southward confusion.

Despite the comedy chemical element of Four Lions, it is still a film that understands, better than any other terrorist themed flick, what drives these people to practise what they do. While bigger, possibly more than critically acclaimed- films are happy to accept George Bush's insightful view on what motivates a fundamentalist (that they are all friends of Satan), Four Lions offers united states of america something that may seem foreign but is ultimately rewarding; it humanises them.

At present, it must be emphasised that by humanising the Terrorists, Chris Morris has not only made them all the more terrifying simply besides celebrates that one attribute of humanity that each and every 1 of us share, no matter what creed or civilisation we come up from: stupidity. During the three years Chris Morris spent researching the project, he came across countless true stories that are then absurd and mind-numbingly dumb that they could easily have been in the film. The fact that the Terrorists are from U.k. has a detail poignancy; the flick deals with the issue that these people aren't simply men in masks, they're British, every bit Morris says "They're office of the landscape", it'southward not as elementary as black and white, or adept and evil.

Omar has a loving wife and an awed, bright eyed little boy, a family unit that he loves and who support his state of war on the Western earth. These moments of tenderness and humanity only showcase how confused and misled Omar and his friends are. Past the end of the flick at that place are moments of real tragedy, albeit with a kind of gallows humour, as the group begin to realise merely how confused they really are nearly they're ideals, about right and incorrect and the reasons for why they do what they do. Four Lions is a film that parodies terrorism in the same fashion Dads Army parodies the Nazis, in a kind of fairy tale moral; nosotros need to laugh at the terror to crush it. But in creating a one-act that actually understands the humanity and stupidity in Terrorism, Chris Morris has fabricated a pic that is as meaningful as it is funny.

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7 /10

cringe-worthy or hilarious

Iv British men try to be Islamic jihadists. Omar is anti-modern Western culture. His friend Waj is an idiot. Barry is a bombastic aggressive convert. Faisal has crazy ideas. Omar and Waj go to grooming campsite in Pakistan. Barry'southward advised public persona attracts new recruit Hassan. Omar and Waj return after accidentally destroying the terrorist camp. The group gathers material to make a bomb.

This is essentially The Office with terrorists. Instead of selling paper, they're trying to kill people. Barry is probably the funniest. These characters are outrageous but has a good slice of the truth. It is either cringe-worthy or gut-busting hilarious. If anything, these guys need to button even harder to be outrageous. The deaths don't always help. They're not satiring a zombie moving picture. This subject is all as well existent and they need to consider how far from reality this movie should be.

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9 /10

the funniest movie in recent times...

Iv Lions – CATCH IT (A) Four Lions is undoubtedly the funniest movie I accept seen in contempo years. Four Lions revolves effectually four incompetent British jihadists ready out to train for and commit an act of terror. The subject affair (Suicide Bombers) of Iv Lions is actually sensitive but they have taken the liberty to make it funny all the same proving how idiots are ruining their lives equally suicide bombers. I think Four Lions got lucky with brilliant writers, brilliant direction super performance past all the leading actors. Riz Ahmed is superb every bit trying to leading the team. I saw Riz Ahmed's Trishna before Four Lions where he plays this exotic Indian NRA. I saw Kayvan Novak in brusk lived miniseries "Sirens" and he has terrific comic timing and yet once more he proves his excellent comic timing hither. Nigel Lindsay is first-class as English language British Muslim, his scenes are ane of the funniest of them all. Mohammad Adil & Ashar Ali are good loony guys in the team. Preeya Kalidas is good. On the whole, Four Lions is an excellent movie in all respect, funny as hell. Highly Recommended!

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nine /x

Anybody is a giant f|_|ck-up

Warning: Spoilers

Huge *SPOILERS* ahead!!!

The movie is almost five really incompetent jihadists, and it'due south a Actually good case of why British humour is superior to American humour, which is not that difficult, or European sense of humour (harder) to do.

The story is that these four guys, Pakistani blokes, are gonna exist terrorists, and they set up out to be jihadists.

It'due south difficult to say who gets mocked more: the War on Terror, the CIA who fights it, or the would-be jihadists themselves/Al Queda. Because it's shown that the so-called terrorist threat is largely exaggerated. And, nosotros ARE Besides reminded of the underwear bomber and the shoe bomber, who actually WERE pretty incompetent.

Is making fun of a terror threat disrespectful of the victims of terror attacks? Some might feel offended, simply in the stop, thinking virtually this stuff in a humouristic and philosophical way is the all-time way to go over information technology. You can't sit effectually feeling all depressed for the rest of your life.

This film is a reinforcement of the observation that nigh criminals are quite stupid. Same goes for terrorists. It'south when you go SMART terrorists, who retrieve things trough, that mayhem ensues.

I really don't think WHY i downloaded this, but I am actually glad I did, because equally per usual i knew literally NOTHING nearly the moving picture before I started watching information technology.

Why is this such a great flick? Well, possibly, because the would be terrorist are and so sincere, just as well then clumsy, which makes the five friends so endearing. But mostly considering the main message is that every ane of usa, is a huge f|_|ck up. All we humans do is mucking about and muddling through, and that signal is especially driven domicile by the law and anti-terrorist snipers who, of course, get the wrong guys, impale innocent bystanders and abort all the wrong people.

The only beef I have with this is that Kayvan Novak (Waj) seems a fleck too manly and handsome to play the role of the Big Dumb Bloke.

I like the catastrophe. It would have been wrong to have a happy ending, since happy endings are just stories that aren't finished even so.

Specially Omar, when he realizes that he'southward the last ane, AND is the smartest of the bunch, still walks into the chemists and does his thing. I wasn't even really sad about it, the way I'm usually sad most these films where a group of friends die one by 1. It was perfectly plumbing equipment: the incompetent bombers all dice, and they die pretty meaningless deaths.

So, yes, anybody is a behemothic f-up. Except for the makers of this film, of course ... ;).

9/10 The Melancholic Alcoholic.

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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1341167/reviews

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